Worship from the Heart

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Going to church, praying to the Lord, and reading or hearing His Word are important. But unless we also serve our neighbors, community, and country with a loving heart, we are not truly worshiping the Lord. True worship goes beyond worship services and prayer and becomes “worship of the heart” when it affects how we live our lives. This kind of worship brings us closer to the Lord and leads to loving relationships with others.

Ideas to discuss:

  • "You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with your mind, and with all your strength. This is the first commandment” (Mark 12:30).
  • Worship from the heart is true worship and involves obeying the Lord’s Commandments. It is living a life of charity, not a life of piety apart from a useful life.
  • Worship of the lips achieves nothing whatever without worship in the life one leads, since this is worship of the heart (Arcana Coelestia 7884).
  • As we read the Word, talk to the Lord in prayer, and worship Him, we are developing a personal relationship with Him. We learn to focus on the Lord’s goals and can get a better perspective on our lives.
  • It can be helpful to picture the Lord in our minds when we talk to the Lord in prayer or read His Word. Children may think of the Lord as He lived on earth, learning what He did and said. They can also be told that the Lord loves us, He made the world for us to live in, and He gives us wonderful things each day to make us happy.

Ideas from “Worshiping the One True God” by Brian W. Keith:

  • How can we worship the Lord and try to bring Him more into the center of our lives? It might be helpful to consider whether we value the same things that Lord does. Do we care about those around us, wishing them well? Is our marriage or family worth energy? Do we feel close to the Lord? Do we really want the Lord’s will to be done?
  • Reflecting on how we spend our time can be a helpful way to check whether we are making time for what we value. Do we think of the Lord, pray to Him, and read something from the Word? Do we talk to our spouse and children? Do we help our friends and coworkers?
  • What are some small changes that you could make in your life? Perhaps say a prayer of thanks each morning or ask our friends how they are doing. “Small changes can, like water dripping on rocks, wear away some of our selfishness, and bring us into greater harmony with the Lord—into worshiping Him alone” (Brian W. Keith).

Read more about worship from the heart:

Projects and activities for various ages:

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