How the Lord Teaches Us

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The Lord teaches us when we read or hear the Word. When we read the Word regularly, we open ourselves to being guided by the Lord. And if we try to use what we learn to do good things and turn away from evil, it is as if we are being lifted up a stairway with angels at our side.

Heavenly loves—such as loving the Lord and the neighbor—open our minds to receive heavenly light or enlightenment from the Lord. People with these loves want to help other people so they are reading the Word with a useful purpose in mind. It is said that these heavenly loves soak up heaven’s truths like a sponge soaks up water!

How do these passages from the Word help us see the importance of looking to the Lord in His Word?

  • “The words that I speak to you are spirit, and they are life" (John 6:63).
  • When the Word is read, the Lord comes in and teaches (Arcana Coelestia 6516:3).
  • Everyone who, while reading the Word, approaches the Lord alone, and prays to Him, is enlightened in the Word (Doctrine of the Lord 2).

Consider also these ideas form “The Steps of Truth” by Harold Cranch:

  • The Lord has given each one of us the ladder or stairway that goes up to heaven, with angels going up and coming down.
  • This ladder is the Lord’s Word. As we learn truths from the Word it is as if we are taking steps up the ladder that leads to the Lord.
  • As we learn the deeper meaning within the Word of God, we will be led to see the Lord Himself in it, teaching and leading us. For the Lord Himself is the Word.

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